Another Look

Put on another pair of glasses, and have another look!

Pebbles of Love

Anger spreads—we have been seeing that not only in America but around the world. We are all adding to the ripples in the water, which touches everything and everyone. So, let’s do something, let’s heal the world.

A Magical Retreat

All of us have ups and downs. All of us have days when we live our best self and days we don’t. So, if you only see one side, there is only misery; it is time to examine our irrational thoughts. If we don’t, we will stay unhappy. So much of our sadness and resentment is because…

Childlike, Again

In innocence, we do not try to hide the truth, we declare it and accept what happens next. Innocence is unafraid to tell the truth because it does not listen to the ego saying what might happen if you tell the truth. We are unafraid to bring darkness into the light.

Three Little Pigs

There is so much wisdom in the story. Three little pigs set out to build their own houses. One pig built his out of straw, and a second pig built his out of sticks. They finished their building quickly and started playing. They would say to the third piggy, “Come play!” But the third pig…

The Belly of the Beast

If you have been reading some of my more recent blogs, you know I have been going through quite a bit. I know, I am Divine living a human experience. I have not been living that truth. I realize, I have been in the belly of the whale. I have been living in a dark…

In the market, in the cloister—only God I saw.

Great news! The journey from Screaming Mimi to the life that can be lived by seeing only God is an 18-inch journey. It is the journey from the mind to the heart. That is a hard 18 inches when we fight. Yet, once we stop fighting, we realize that the journey is already done. We don’t have to seek it…

More on Responsibility

In the earlier part of my journey, I would beg, Take this away from me; Do that for me; and the famous, If you do this for me, I will do that for you. I am sure, Source/Divine/God had a great chuckle. I did not want to take responsibility for myself—I just wanted everything I…

Another Cousin Causes Havoc

I find once I acknowledge what is happening, I can rise above. Recommitting myself to meditation, not because I was told I must but because I KNOW the only way to quiet the voices down is by allowing myself to become quiet and listen to the unseen river that flows and shares peace, comfort, and wisdom.

Luggage vs. Baggage

When we get stuck on something, two things happen; the story seems to get bigger over time, increasing our anger, and we see ourselves as the victims. That is a lot of baggage to carry, and it is heavy. It wears us down and weakens us. If we just learn to put the baggage down,…


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