
A place to find wisdom, encouragement, and enlightenment.

I will continue to add people and books to my library, however, I thought it would be nice to share why different books, people and events have been so meaningful to me. Not on the list are different retreats that have been helpful that I would like to mention first. My first awakening was at a P.I.E. Retreat. At this retreat I experienced how much I was loved. After that, I knew I wanted to experience that love in my life at all times. I believe that is possible with commitment to look at the world with a different pair of glasses. There are many different retreats to look into. If you learn best with in-person sharing, I highly recommend a retreat.

Before I start the list of influences that have changed my thinking, I have a couple of things to say. First, by no means are these the only things that helped my growth but they are some of the newer ones. Second, as you read these, or any book, remember: “Eat the meat and throw away the fat,” and as you read remember to reflect on where your thoughts and patterns are caused by “stinking thinking”. Both these lines were shared with me by one of my mentors, Mother Charlotte Mary, who has since left this plane.


Great book to read to help see how God views things differently. There are three original books, and later a fourth came into being. There were so many statements that had me re-examine my views. So many statements in the book felt true.  Reading helped me see guilt, shame, pretty much everything differently.  Easy to read.

Like Conversations with God, so many things that I read rang true. I had to read this book a little slower in order to understand what was being shared.  There is a lot of meat in this book sharing many different views than were shared in my religious instruction.

All of Gina’s books are great. She has been a scribe for Jesus since 2012. Her work is full of lots of meat and very little fat, if any. I have read all her books and have gotten so much food for my soul through them. Check out her website to see all her work.

This book has three years of lessons within, The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing. Each month you read just one lesson, and I suggest reading it over and over. Really let it seep deep with your soul. I am presently on year two and it is a wow. Sometimes I get it right away; other times it takes some time. I find it easier to understand than A Course in Miracles, so I have been staying with The Way of Mastery. However, you might find A Course in Miracles or A Course in Love to be your cup of tea.

Teachers and Programs

I have been working with Ron for over 15 years.  WOW time flies!! I have a post of him talking about the coronavirus to give you a feel for him. (I will be posting an interview of one of his classes.) At times, he offers a free class. Working with him, I have put on many “new pairs of glasses,” and I plan on continuing to listen and grow with him.