
Throughout the blog, you’ll find Theresa-isms, concepts and characters unique to the writing. Here, you’ll find their definitions as well as the Theresa take on some more universally familiar terms.

Take another look! When you put on another pair of glasses, you try on a new perspective. You’re the same person looking at the same issue, but you’re seeing it from a new angle. This is always a helpful exercise, especially on those oh-so-rare occasions when you’re having trouble coming to terms with another person’s point of view.

Drama Queen is a close cousin of the ego, Screaming Mimi. She is always predicting and exaggerating outcomes. She hates innocent perception, looking at any given situation and seeing what is without any judgements or exaggeration.

To protect the innocent, Theresa’s catch-all name for a difficult person acting from a place of judgment is George. That’s no offense intended to those of you who are actually named George!

God is love. God is everything and in everything. There is nowhere God is not. God is undefinable because there are no words that can express how complete God is. God is in everything known and unknown. Since it is unknown to us, how can God be explained?

He remembered who he was, Love in form: fully divine and also fully human. He grew to the point that he knew the only way to live Life was by listening to, as he called the Divine, Abba (father). He lived what we all can live if we take the journey to remembering who we really truly are: the Divine living a human experience.

Mary is a catch-all name for one of the greatest kinds of helpers in our lives. A Mary is no-nonsense. She tells it like it is. She helps you to move forward on your journey with a special blend of honesty and compassion.

Ponder Woman teaches us to pause and reflect. When we ponder, we respond rather than react, and we have an easier time managing conflict or situations we initially feel uneasy about.

Reaction Woman is a close cousin of the ego, Screaming Mimi. She operates from a place of—you guessed it!—reaction. She does not take time to ponder or put on another pair of glasses. She may be the gal you need for quick thinking in an emergency, but most of the time she needs to take a backseat.

Screaming Mimi is the ego. She acts out. She is never satisfied. She is the toddler inside us all who screams “ME!” at all times. She wants what’s best for her because she thinks it’s what’s best for us, and she is only quieted when we act with mindfulness and compassion. When we understand why she’s behaving the way she is, we can choose to act differently.

Zombie-land is a place we all have lived—and still do at times, possibly even all the time. We think that we think our own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions but in truth we bought into what we were told. Zombie-land is the world created by our socialization and blind faith in the authorities we meet throughout life. You cannot leave Zombie-land until you start questioning everything.