Sunday Morning Thoughts

In Sunday Morning Thoughts, Theresa examines ideas from the Bible, prayer, and other religious areas to see how they apply to life.

More on the Iceberg

One thing I did not mention in the last blog was that just as our eyes do not see the whole iceberg, we do not see what is going on behind the scenes in our own lives. We might have a knowing or feeling that things are going on all the time that cannot be…

Life is like an Iceberg

Under the surface of the water, each iceberg reveals a striking deep blue color.  Anyone who has seen the bottom is in awe; it floats in the ocean and can be seen as separate from the ocean, however, in truth, it is part of the ocean. That is who we are. We might perceive ourselves as separate from…

Christmas Meditation

We need to take time to meditate. My friend Ron D’Amico shared a meditation that has helped me. I would like to share it with you. It always starts with our breath. Breathing with awareness is so much more than mechanical.

The Unnecessary Mess Continues

No matter what my intention, I keep listening to Screaming Mimi, causing myself unnecessary pain. Trying to see life as an observer is helpful but, oh-so hard. As observer, you notice the pain you’re in. You understand how you choose to see the scenario. Yet, as in a 3D movie, if you put the pair of glasses on, everything…

More on Christ Consciousness

Jesus totally embodied the Christ Mind, which is the same as the Mind of God. He showed the way, he gave the blueprint, yet how often do we follow it? I wish I could even say most of the time. A mystic teacher of mine once said if there were just two people on each…

Dark Night of the Soul/Spirit

“There is no going forward without a death of some kind: a kind death of who we thought we were and were supposed to be; a death of a map of the world we thought worthy of our trust and investment; a death of expectations that by choosing rightly we could avoid suffering, experience the…


The end of time could be considered a new beginning, a reset. A reset in which all that is true begins to be seen and recognized. As we go through this time, we will perceive the light of God, Source. More and more are opening to this light that pervades everything. The numbers are growing.…

I Saw God

Jesus was saying that all God sees is us in our perfection. Love in form. Divine in form. We are Divine living a human experience. Some scientists believe there is proof of God in our DNA.


I once said, “It is not the words that you say but the energy you place in the words. The tone of your voice and the love you feel as you say or do anything matters.” For example, you could read the New York Times to a baby lovingly, and the child would respond to the love. My…


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